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Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club

An NRA Gold Medal Club

HomeEventsCompetition - Falling Plates CF - 9:45 AM to Noon - Registration Recommended

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Competition - Falling Plates CF - 9:45 AM to Noon - Registration Recommended

About this event

Falling Plates Competition Course of Fire 2024



All RPRC range rules will be adhered to.

The match will count BOTH in the Pistol Division of the Club Championship and in the Overall Club Championship.

This is a Centerfire pistol competition

Match will be held on the 25-yard range.


Total of 24 shots.

TARGETS: 25-yard range falling plate targets

EQUIPMENT: ● GUNS: Any center fire Pistol adhering to range rules

 ● SIGHTS: Any sights, except sights projecting an image on the target (Lasers) are prohibited.

 ● TRIGGERS: Release triggers are prohibited.


Revolvers or semi-automatic handguns are permitted. Semi-automatic pistols will be loaded with no more than 6 rounds.


·      COURSE OF FIRE: Competitors must fire all stages in the standing position starting from low - ready position.

·      Competitors will fire from 10-, 15-, 20- and 25-yard line segment in the standing position.

·      This event will be divided into four stages; each stage will have one string, 6 shots per string.

·      24 shots total; targets will be 8” round metal plates:

(a) 10 yards - 6 shots in 6 seconds, 1 string.

(b) 15 yards - 6 shots in 7 seconds, 1 string.

 (c) 20 yards - 6 shots in 8 seconds, 1 string.

 (d) 25 yards - 6 shots in 10 seconds, 1 string.

·      Ties will be broken by a 10 sec string at 25 yards until the tie is broken

Date and Time

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9:45 AM until 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


RPRC 25 Yard Pistol Range
640 Blueberry Point Rd
White Stone, VA  22578

Event Contact(s)

William H Crawford

Robert C Fallin

Michael Rancourt


Competition Shooting

Registration Info

Registration is recommended