Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club enjoys a large contingent of Shotgun enthusiasts. Our range offers an ATA* approved Trap range, in addition to a (5) Stand and Wobble range. Both ranges are constructed in accordance with the NRA** and ATA guidelines. These ranges afford us the ability to offer Conventional Trap, Hunters' Trap, (5) Stand/ Wobble Trap, and FITASC. At present, we offer scheduled Conventional Trap and open shooting, at 1:00pm on Sundays and 3:00pm on Wednesdays.*** (5) Stand and/or Wobble open shooting is currently available at 3:00pm on Sundays, and 1:00pm on Wednesdays. Our newest addition to scheduled Trap shooting is Tuesday at 1:30pm. This time is reserved for new shooters to allow them the opportunity to work with experienced mentors. Many of our members are trained and authorized to use these ranges anytime during normal facility hours of operation.
Conventional Trap was first introduced in England in 1750. Originally, live birds were released from cages when the participants announced “Pull”. At that time the bird handlers would “pull” open a door allowing the bird to fly off in hopes of avoiding the accuracy of the contestant's eye. Today the sport is more humane as the “birds” are now a round composite disk, released from a Trap machine upon the command “Pull”. There are (5) shooting stations arranged in an arc approximately 16 yds behind the trap machine. Typically (5) Competitors, one at each station will shoot (5) shots at each position before moving on to the next station. A “Round” is complete when each shooter has shot (5) times at each station for a total of 25.
Hunters Trap was introduced to most closely simulate the conditions of field bird hunting. The shooter stands closer to the trap machine, holding the gun in a low mount. The “puller” will announce “Dog on point” followed by the release of either one or two birds. As in Conventional Trap, the (5) shooting stations are arranged in a semi-circle. The contestant shoots a total of (5) shots at each station to complete a round of 25.
Wobble Trap and Five Stand are similar in that they both utilize a structure of (5) shooting stations. Contestants start at ground level at station (1). The (2nd) station is elevated half way between the (1st) and (3rd) station. Once the contestant completes the (3rd) and highest station, he/she steps down to the (4th) station before finishing on the ground level (5th) station. As in most Trap games there are (5) shots at each station for a total round of 25. In Wobble Trap there is one centrally located Trap machine that utilizes a constant figure 8 motion. When the contestant announces “Pull” the machine launches a bird from that position. The result is that the shooter has no idea where the travel of the bird will be. This in conjunction with the changing shooters elevation, makes for a challenging game!
Five Stand utilizes the same structure as Wobble, but that’s where the comparison ends. In Five stand, there are (8) trap machines strategically placed around the shooting grounds. Each machine is set to project birds differently than the others. One may simulate a running rabbit, whereas another may simulate a bird flying away from you. (2) birds may be launched from different machines at the same time! As in Wobble the shooters elevation changes with each station change. This game challenges even the best shooters and is seldom mastered.
FITASC is somewhat similar to Five Stand in that it utilizes all the Trap machines. The main difference is that all shooting stations are located on the ground. There are (5) shooting stations. The shooter must start with the gun in a low mount and only move once the bird has been launched. This, like Hunters Trap, is used to simulate actual field bird hunting.
RPRC members enjoy a vigorous competition schedule. Those who place in the top (5) are awarded points. As in Rifle and Pistol disciplines, there are (4) formal Shotgun competitions each year. At the end of the year, the individual who has the most points accumulated from all (3) disciplines is deemed the Club Champion. In addition to the formal shotgun competitions, there are additional “fun shoots” scheduled throughout the yearwith prizes awarded to the winners.
Come join us at the Shotgun range, but beware... it's addicting!
* Amateur Trap Association
** National Rifle Association
*** Times may change during the summer in accordance with daylight savings time.