All members and guests are invited to join in s competitions, fun shoots, and practice opportunities throughout the year.
Our competition season is comprised of 4 events that test the various skills of a rifle marksman. There are links to the courses of fire under the Competition folder in the Members Only Documents option. These matches change from year to year so practice pays dividends when preparing to compete. Winners receive the coveted RPRC whisky glass. The points earned in competition apply toward the Rifle Championship and are added to points earned in pistol and shotgun competitions to determine the Club Champion. Guests are encouraged to compete but are not awarded points or prizes. Spectators are always welcomed to cheer on the competitors.
Members interested in rifle shooting, whether competitive or recreational, may contact RPRC Rifle Chairman Tim Rush, at Scheduled fun shoots and practice sessions can be found on the club calendar and Tim is available to meet at the range for an introduction to the rifle program.
Hope to see you on the range!