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Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club

An NRA Gold Medal Club


Competition Shooting

Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club conducts competitive shooting matches and several standing programs for members and guests. While no programs are specifically open to the public, prospective members and members' guests are welcome to attend as participants or observers at the invitation of a current RPRC club member.


Use the Competition folder under Members Only - Documents to access descriptions of our shooting events.

Competition Events at RPRC


Our club has a long tradition of holding competitive matches, the result of which is the recognition of participants’ marksmanship skills in each discipline at the Club’s Annual Dinner. Awards are presented to first, second, and third place in Pistol Marksmanship, Rifle Marksmanship, Shotgun Marksmanship, and Club Championship. Guests of Members are welcome to participate, but overall not eligible for Club Marksmanship or Champion awards.


In addition to an engraved pewter tankard the overall Club Champion receives the Taylor Award, consisting of having the individual's name engraved on a perpetual plaque. The Club Champion will also keep the prestigious Taylor Trophy, a Herreshoff miniature firing cannon, for the ensuing year. Members are encouraged to attend as  observers as well as to participate. If you want to improve your marksmanship, consider reviewing the match descriptions below, get out and practice the actual match, and seek advice from other club members. Contact the Club’s Competition Officer, or each discipline’s Chairperson about opportunities to practice. Match descriptions and courses of fire are found below.


Top participants in individual matches will earn prizes and awards, as determined for that match.


2025 Club Champion Match Program Schedule:



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