Punch Paper Match Definition for RPRC 2024
All RPRC range rules will be adhered to. Mandatory safety talk at 9:45 AM.
The matches will count BOTH in the Pistol Division of the Club Championship and in the Overall Club Championship.
This will be a RF or CF competition competitors’ choice
Match will be held on the 25-yard range.
Total of 24 shots.
TARGETS: ● NRA AP-1 targets, variable position and distance, sequence of targets left to right - 7 yards, 10 yards, 25 yards, 7 yards from the firing line. (Position 3 on the 25yd range)
EQUIPMENT: ● GUNS: Any Centerfire or Rimfire Pistol adhering to range rules
● SIGHTS: Any sights, except sights projecting an image on the target (Lasers) are prohibited.
● TRIGGERS: Release triggers are prohibited.
A second magazine, speed loader, or second pistol may be applied to achieve 8 rounds for a stage of fire.
COURSE OF FIRE: Competitors must fire all stages in the standing position starting from low - ready position.
● Stage 1 – total 8 shots, 1 string in 12 seconds
○ 2 shots at each target 7 yd, 10 yd, 25yd and 7 yd shoot targets from left to right.
● Stage 2 – total 8 shots, 1 string in 10 seconds
○ 2 shots at each target 7 yd, 10 yd, 25 yd and 7 yd, shoot targets in any order.
● Stage 3 - repeat stage 2
● Alibis for RF and CF misfires. The shooter will get 1 alibis and restart shooting at the time of misfire (captured on the timer) at the point in the course of fire where the misfire occurred. The timer will be set to the amount of time remaining and the shooter may restart from low ready or on the next point of fire (next target) as he or she may desire.
· Tie breaker will be the number of X’s
There will be a mandatory match briefing 15 minutes prior to the match to review safety and course of fire.